Monday, March 25, 2019

Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

One of my favorite authors of all time is Ray Bradbury.  and re reading any of his novels is always a pleasure especially the martian chronicles. The way he writes almost episodically into one novel is absolutely amazing.  He is almost  a predictor of the future in some ways because almost every story he writes as some bit of truth in our world today.  The portion of this book I would like to focus on is "There will come soft rains".  One of my absolute favorite portions of his of all time.  The story is so chilling and so absolutely plausible.  Right now we have so many things that are automated and easy that we really don't even need ourselves.  It honestly can definitely fall into the horror category which is so strange because I never thought it could be.  And if were being completely honest, this short story is the key to this entire class.  Syfy, horror, and fantasy all wrapped into a short almost 3 page section of this book.   I think more people should read this to kinda realize how it all falls into place and how stories can change over time to be even scarier than they were 50+ years ago

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Lord of the RIngs

      In my experience of high fantasy, Lord of the rings will always have a special place in my heart.  Not only is the imagery astonishing, but the level of complexity some of these characters have is quite impressive.  Almost all of the characters, from the Hobbit through to the last LOTR, some characters have the upmost turn around.  We can start with Gandalf the grey to Gandalf the White,